Speaking with potential clients, I am often asked whether it is better to wait until the leaves have fallen before starting the land reclamation process. The fact is, it makes no difference whether the leaves have fallen or not or the time of year in which we operate. It only takes a few seconds to… Read More
I am frequently asked by clients whether or not we can operate in various weather conditions such as rain or temperatures exceeding 100 degrees. The fact is, we provide land clearing and land reclamation services all year long. Just like the U.S. Post Office, we can operate in just about any type of weather including… Read More
The option of mulching instead of bulldozing to clear property is still new to most property owners. I came across this article published by the Land Management & Resource Recovery Service devoted to the restoration and recovery of land in an eco-friendly way. It provides a great deal of information about the way we approach… Read More
My partner and I were working a site this week about 10 miles west of Henryetta, OK. Prior to our arrival, the land owners had rented a bulldozer to do some clearing and I was reminded why mulching (technical term is “Forestry Mastication”) is so much better than using a dozer for general land clearing… Read More
It’s not uncommon that by the time a customer contacts us to clear their land, they have already invested significant time and effort to do so themselves. Utilizing muscle, chain saws, branch cutters and perhaps a brush hog, they have dedicated a significant amount of time, cuts, bruises and expense with very little progress to… Read More
Some of the property we are hired to clear can present challenges to equipment such as tractors because of how steep a ravine, a hillside or the slope around the pond might be. Other areas present challenges because they are difficult to navigate especially if there many trees or dense vegetation. One of the advantages… Read More
One of the things I enjoy about clearing property is the opportunity to see a diversity of livestock roaming about. Cows, horses, sheep, lamas, chickens… you name it, we’ve helped to give them more areas to graze! It’s often that many of them mistake our rig for “feeding time” when we show up early… Read More